The listing of SLP audio/interactive eBooks is presented in alphabetical order below. Simply click on the name to open and use the eBooks online. To activate the books: Click on the start button or the first word in the square. Then, have your student listen or read along with the audio until s/he arrives at the next targeted phoneme. This will be his/her practice word. Once s/he has repeated the word click on the icon to hear the audio for the therapist and student compares his/her pronunciation of the word. Then, start again by click where the student left off. These are best viewed using Chrome or Safari browsers. They will not display correctly when opened in Firefox. Enjoy!
The full set of Read-the-Picture-Stories for Articulation is available on this website with accompanying flashcards for download. If you prefer the print to digital download, you can purchase it on Amazon or in our shop. However, no flashcards are in this full 78-book set on Amazon.
2 Sonny’s Missing Sock – eBook
3 Sam’s Picnic Surprise – eBook
4 Sonny the Silly Seal – eBook
16 Roy and the Radish Farm – eBook
19 Peter and the Dragon – eBook
23 Amber Loves Her Stripes – eBook
24 Marsha Makes a Mess – eBook
27 Loading the Luggage – eBook
30 Lucy’s Lost Lemonade – eBook
42 Tall Ships and Gold Shillings – eBook
43 Thora’s Thinking Cap – eBook