Corky the Quirky Cow

Corky can mimic the sounds of any farm animal! Her extraordinary gift brings joy and laughter to the farm, as she teaches her fellow animals to sing in each other’s voices. Together, they create a symphony of animal sounds so enchanting that Farmer Ken begins hosting concerts for his friends. The book is excellent for speech/language pathologists, prekindergarten and early elementary teachers for teaching sounds, articulation, language, and pre-reading skills via phonological awareness. A workbook on this website is provided along with hundreds of coloring pages and activities. Be sure to check out the coloring book version of Corky the Quirky Cow (for fine motor skills) on Amazon also.

Bee, Honey Bunny and Me thanks Mom’s Choice

Do Not Snuggle with a Puggle – Excellent stranger-danger story (in the genre of old fairy tales like Little Red Riding Hood)

Wally and Puggle thank Mom’s Choice Awards for choosing us.

EEK! I Hear a Squeak – great rhyming book and sound introduction

Also, for fine motor, check out the EEK! I Hear a Squeak Coloring Book.

EEK! I Hear a Squeak and the Scurrying of Little Feet

Bee, Honey Bunny and Me thanks Mom’s Choice

Bee, Honey Bunny and Me Readers’ Favorite Book Review – 5 star rating in all areas

Bee, Honey Bunny and Me

Bee, Honey Bunny and Me

Is it just a dream? Does Baby Bunny  love or hate carrots? Are they Yucky or are they Yummy Carrots? Baby Bunny hates them then she loves them. What makes Baby Bunny change her mind when she hates carrots? How can the bees help to convince Leni?

Buy the book then click here for Honey Bunny’s activities.

I Am Not Sleeping

I Am Not Sleeping was chosen as a Winner of Parent and Teacher Choice Award from, June 2019. It is based on solid research of Total Physical Response method for learning a second language. Sing a book to the children in English or Spanish. Have the children join you in singing to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”. Interactive reading and words set to music have been shown to be more effective in teaching languages. Today more than ever it is important for our children to learn another language while they are young. Ask questions, “What are you doing?”, “What did you do?” and more. Added verbs for teaching English to Spanish or Spanish to English are included in the back of the book or can be downloaded at The author has also provided a handy guide with tips on reading to young children to improve pre-literacy skills. The paperback book contains the English version the story, the Spanish version of the story and charts of English-to-Spanish verbs. However, for ease of download, you can download the English, the Spanish or the verb charts as three separate downloads. 

Bi-lingual English and Spanish with English to Spanish translations of 115 verbs(Not AI) is included in the above English version.

Hands-on Coloring activities facilitates memory!

Check out these coloring storybooks.

Click on the titles below to link to books on Amazon or to get them as a FREE download, click on Free with Subscription – HUGE savings!

Can A Toucan Hoot Too?

Can a Toucan Hoot Too? storybook, photo book, and coloring book by Lavelle Carlson is an excellent book for rhyming and phonemic awareness. A 66+ page workbook is also included with the subscription to this website. The children pester their grandfather to tell them about the toucan. Finally, he takes them through the rainforest to meet many animals. The story is followed by beautiful animal and bird photos provided by The Toucan Rescue Ranch of Costa Rica. Black and white coloring pages of all the animal photos are provided and can be copied with author’s permission.

Farting Four-Toed Troll

Teach kindness – Farting Four-Toed Troll

By Lavelle Carlson

Poop! Fart! These are the words that can be so embarrassing for parents and grandparents. And, it is certainly a headache for preschooler and early elementary teachers to try to instill the inappropriateness in their young students. Well, Farting Four-Toed Troll gives a great opportunity for parents and teachers to talk about these words in a way that is more appropriate. Introduce the book title and say, “Hmmm, should we say Farting Four-Toed Troll or Christmas Troll? I wonder how the Norwegian or Swedish troll would feel if we called him a farting troll”. You can also introduce manners during the reading of the book as the troll says, “Excuse me” after he lets off gas. Was there a mother troll who thanked him for using his manners? Always talk about kindness to children and different words that are “kind” words that make people feel good. 

EEK! I Hear a Squeak

EEK! I Hear a Squeak (or available for purchase on is a delightfully humorous book that is an excellent read to children as you try to get them to settle down for bed. It is a great book for teaching early literacy because it contains many of the components recommended by early literacy specialists; i.e. dialogue set in bubbles for print awareness, rhyming, colorful pictures, repetition and predictability, counting, and interactive dialogue for language development. It is a good book for introducing all the fairy tales with the count of three. The book has included black/white images for children to color – can be copied with permission of author. EEK! I Hear a Squeak was 2008 Award Recepient, Children’s Picture Book, Humor. You can purchase the softcover fully illustrated book or it is FREE with your subscription to NEW! 37 page workbook with additional coloring pages available with your subscription to EEK! I Hear a Squeak Activity book.

Other Books by Lavelle Carlson

I Am Not Sleeping (English and Spanish)

Galapagos Rules! Postcards from Poppies

Farting Four-Toed Troll

The Book of IF for Children (Amazon purchase). Also Available as download for Subscribers, click here.)

Dog Gone! Where Has My Dog Gone? (Amazon purchase) (Available as a download for Subscribers, click here.)

The Great Potoo and the Cockatoo Coloring Book – Or, get it as a download as part of your subscription

Research has shown that memory is facilitated by all hands-on activities including coloring. All children will delight in coloring this delightful story while helping the cockatoo find its way home. All the animals from Costa Rica through Peru, Ecuador, and the Galapagos to Australia will direct the cockatoo. Sometimes the cockatoo does not follow the directions to a “T” and goes out of his way. Luckily, he meets some wonderful animals who redirect him. As the children read (listen as adults read) they will see if he finally makes it home okay. Along the way the children will learn some fun facts about the animals they color as well as some rhyming. How exactly can the great potoo see the cockatoo if it keeps his eyes closed? Is there some secret to his ability to camouflage? This book can also be used by teachers and parents on teaching directions via a compass either on an iPhone or a regular compass. The book ends with a map of part of Central America in which the cockatoo flies to arrive at his home. This book can also be used by teachers and parents on teaching directions via a compass either on an iPhone or a regular compass. Purchase is on Amazon or download it as part of your subscription to

Book by Jenny Loehr

Read-the-Picture Stories for Articulation (Click for Amazon purchase) – Or, get it as a download as part of your subscription, click here.

Read-the-Picture Stories, by Jenny Loehr, is the Third Edition of a popular and staple training book with stories used by speech/language pathologists, reading teachers, paraprofessionals, classroom teachers and home-school parents. The 78 stories cover many early sounds that are addressed in articulation in the elementary and junior high schools. Included are the sounds and blends of /s/, /r/, /l/, /sh/, /th/, /ch/, /j/, /k/, /g/, and /f/. The stories are a great tie-in to literacy, language and reading goals. The stories were written and/or revised by Jenny Loehr. She is also the illustrator. The flashcards for each story are free with the subscription on this website. The site will continue to add stories and activities.

Let’s Go, Kitty by Holly Rosensweig (Click for purchase)

Let’s Go, Kitty! promotes babies’ ability to recognize and imitate sounds, strengthens familiarity through the repetition of words, enriches basic vocabulary, and builds confidence through praise. Tips for caregivers as well as a list of the earliest-developing speech sounds are included.

Let’s Go, Puppy by Holly Rosensweig (Click for purchase link)

Let’s Go, Puppy is a playful, interactive story helps enhance early communication development in babies and toddlers. Let’s Go, Puppy! promotes babies’ ability to recognize and imitate sounds, strengthens familiarity through the repetition of words, enriches basic vocabulary, and builds confidence through praise.