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-year-old was having trouble thinking of
something to do. She sat and sucked her , which is something she
usually did when she was bored. -sucking was something that her
her family did not want her to do. Her -year-old sister
said, “Stop sucking your , !
took her out of her mouth and said, “But that is the only way I know
how to think."
Page 4
thinking cap
showed her sister that she could spin around
times without losing her .
had even managed to dodge a that was left on
the floor by jumping over it onto the couch without losing her .
Before she knew it, the day was almost over. pointed out to
her little sister that the really worked. It had taken away
boredom and stoppped her from sucking her .
made it a point to wear her everyday.
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Target /th/ Words
three thermos thumb
Thora thumbtack Thema
thirteen thinking cap
Thora’s Thinking Cap
By Jenny Loehr
replied, “ “Try putting on your .” With that said,
took an invisible cap out of the air and stuck it on head.
Then she said, “Now you need to be very careful because this is
very loose, and it can easily fall off your head.”
So, spent the day walking carefully around the house, trying not to lose
her . Whebn she was thirsty, she drank from her
with one hand, while holding onto the with her other hand.