The Happy Flappy Child, now that title caught my eye on social media. I contacted the author, Cassandra Whitaker. The books appeared to be filled with personal knowledge and experience. Yes, it was. Cassandra agreed to share with us her experience as a mother of a child diagnosed with autism. Please check out her excellent books.
1. Why I wrote them.
A. I wrote these books based on my son Wyatt who is 4 years old. He was diagnosed with Autism last year and is nonverbal. As parents we all want our child to be accepted and included. I was looking for a way to teach children it’s ok to be different but not ok to be mean. The second book in the series “I can’t find my words” focuses on the communication challenges that come with Autism. The message there is “communication is more than how many words I can say.” As Wyatt communicates mostly through pointing and signing.
2. My hopes for these books.
A. I am hopeful these books can help children learn about Autism and be accepting of those who are different. That parents take comfort in knowing they aren’t alone in this journey, and children who can relate to Wyatt enjoy reading a book with a character like them.
3. Upcoming projects
A. I am hoping to have two more books to add to the Happy Flappy Child series focusing on situations that can be difficult for children on the spectrum. I also have a new Inclusion series coming soon that sheds light on chronic illnesses/disabilities such as juvenile diabetes, hearing impairment, and blindness.
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The Happy Flappy Child by Cassandra Whitaker