If you do not have time to create your own materials using artificial intelligence, feel free to use the 1,000+ photos (some AI generated) on this website, https://www.slpstorytellers.com/register-2/

There is so much discussion on AI, the good and the bad. As a retired speech/language pathologist I wish AI had been available for me before I retired. My experiments with speech stories and materials development now yields so much that can be made relevant to students’ goals. Yes, you can create stories targeting articulation, grammar, phonological awareness, and much more. The upsides: low almost minimal cost, greater relevancy to specific children, and you can re-sell your materials on Teachers Pay Teachers or your own website, and you can publish your storybook created using AI. 

I have two recently added stories to my website, Seven Sea Lions Sleeping in the Sand and a re-make of an earlier book, The Frog Who Could Not Croak. But, before showing how these were created in about one day each, it is best to start out with the simplest of the simplest in learning. So, with that being said, I have a teaching activity with images. I will do a very simple illustration of it for your benefit. Then, in a later lesson, we can go into developing a more complicated story using AI prompts and creating more complicated illustrations using AI prompts. The key word in using AI is “prompt”. There is a learning curve to finding the right prompt sometimes.

First of all, there are many AI programs out there. The one I am using for this exercise is 

https://chat.openai.com I used this to get a list of articulation words and it is free. Then I used their illustration segment, DALL-E. There was a charge of $20.

Prompt for word list:

I am preparing a lesson plan for my 4-year-old speech and language students. Their goal is to learn to say the sound /s/ in the initial position. Can you please give me a list of one syllable words beginning with the sound s/ that are appropriate for 4 year old students.


Certainly, Lavelle. Here are some one-syllable words beginning with the /s/ sound that are suitable for 4-year-old speech and language students:

  1. Sun
  2. Sock
  3. Sea
  4. Star
  5. Snake
  6. Sail
  7. Soap
  8. Sand
  9. Soup
  10. Song

Click image to download.

Best of all – create black/white images for coloring pages. Click this image to download.

To AI or not to AI – Music to Your Ears