Happy Pre-December Cyber Sale! Parents – stocking stuffers of download children’s books, holiday gifts for kids, educational gifts for parents, holiday educational activities. Speech therapists and teachers – great take-home holiday presents!
- Children’s books
- Educational activities
- Coloring pages
- Holiday gifts for kids
- Speech therapy resources
- Interactive learning
- Downloadable activities
- Teacher-approved materials
- Educational gifts for parents
- Stocking stuffers for children
We have extended our sale Black Friday Sale through December. PLUS, we have added more downloads. Check out this partial listing of storybooks, coloring books, coloring pages, and activities. Actually, you will find there are many more but not room here to list all. ALL downloads are only $10 (value of books on Amazon are approximately $75). Go to https://www.slpstorytellers.com/register-2/ and be sure to put in the code honeybunny10.
SLPstorytellers story listings (partial listing of 150++ stories, activities, coloring pages and more):
The Frog Who Could Not Croak, I Am Not Sleeping, Yo No Estoy Durmiendo, The Book of IF for Children, Baby Bunny Bouncing, EEK! I Hear a Squeak, EEK! I Hear a Squeak Coloring Book, Three Brave Mice, Fat Cat Mat, Dog Gone! Where Has My Dog Gone?, Lonnie Lizard Loves Lollipops, Can A Toucan Hoot Too?, Bats in the Cave with Friends Coloring Book, Monkey in the Tree Coloring Book, Rocks in My Socks and Rainbows Too, The Shiny Little White Egg, The Great Potoo and the Cockatoo Coloring Book, Galapagos Rules! Hoo Hoo Who Is In My Tree?, and MORE and MORE downloadable books and coloring pages and coloring books and activities.