It is with great pleasure that I am able to present to you a newly revised Books Are For Talking, TOO!, 4th Edition. This book was my first introduction to using storybooks in therapy. It is an excellent book to provide speech-language pathologists, teachers, and parents for successful teaching and, therefore, successful learning by the students. One of the best things I learned from it when I began using storybooks is to always give a synopsis of the story to the students. This gets them to thinking about what will happen and also improves their listening. Furthermore, Jane Gebers gives so many other lessons for speech-language pathologists, teachers, and parents. She has suggested many activities for so many skills we are teaching from articulation, grammar, storyteller, vocabulary, and more for students ranging in age from prekindergarten through high school. This is one book that will will get a lot of wear for years.
From the classics, to poetry, to folklore, to wordless picture books and informational texts, Books Are for Talking, Too! 4th Edition, is a 571-page, research-based, comprehensive resource covering all categories in the picture book genre of children’s literature. Find the skills you want to target in the Skills index, and topics to explore in the Topics index. Search through literally hundreds of book listings in the age-level catalogs for books ideally suited to target skills in early literacy (e.g., phonological awareness, concepts of print) and oral communication (including articulation, language, fluency and voice disorders). Find these well-known, accessible books in school and public libraries. See instructional methods for target skills in each book featured in the catalogs using this time-saving, popular resource, now in its 4th edition!