Free (Limited Time) How-To-Write and Self-Publish for all the speech/language pathologists who aspire to write books. This book gives multiple examples of books written by other speech/language pathologists. Most of these storybooks can be used in your therapy setting for speech, language, and pre-reading. The last section gives an in-depth how-to-publish your own book independently. With today’s technology anyone can write and sell their books. Click on the image to download. This was updated February 14, 2023
Speech-Language Pathologists as Writers and Publishers
Hi! I am interested in publishing a book a book. And use books extensively in therapy. Can I please get your free guide.
It appears the link was not working. It was corrected. Click on and then save on your computer or print. Also, you may want to check out the Facebook page There are about 500 SLP authors/wanna-be authors who discuss how they have done their books. Good luck to you. Please let me know if you have issues accessing the book. Lavelle Carlson – You can also send a message to my private email,